What You Need to Know About Having a Residential Well or Bore
Posted on: 2 March 2018
A residential well or bore can be a good choice for any large property where underground water is readily available, as this can reduce your costs for needed fresh water, and also ensure you have access to water even if city supplies are cut off for some reason. Using your own bore or well also allows you to control the quality of the water, as you know that water won't be pumped full of chemicals and contaminants before it reaches your home. If you're thinking of having a well or bore drilled on your property for any reason, note a few questions you might have about such an installation, so you know how to have this done properly and know how to maintain that new bore over time.
How do you know if the water is safe?
It's good to get well water tested before you use it, and to use a strong filter for that water no matter its overall condition or the location of your property. However, you might note added risks to the water, such as living close to a production facility that allows chemical runoff into the water. If you own or live near a farm, animal waste might easily contaminate the soil and the water in your bore. In those cases, have your water tested for the chemicals that might get into the water from the production facility, or for potential bacterial contaminants, and invest in a filter meant for those pollutants in particular.
How do you maintain a well or bore?
A well or bore will typically be connected to a pump, which pumps water through pipes and into your home. This pump will need regular inspection and maintenance, to ensure the motor is working properly. The bearings of the pump may also wear out on occasion, and need replacing. Otherwise, your bore or well installer can note what maintenance is needed for the bore itself; this might include a regular check for cracks or leaks, or a check of its cover.
You might also install what is called a flow-back detector, which stops water from running back to the bore or back to the home's pipes, and which helps to keep those pipes and pump in good repair. A seal around the top of the bore itself can also ensure that rainwater and other contaminants don't get into the bore or well, which then also protects the water and the structure of the bore itself.